Those Who Cast the First Stone

Recently I was reading a news­paper exposé about Phyllis Schlaf­ly’s son, who has been quietly liv­ing a gay life for years. I was thinking back on the GOP conven­tion, when the Republicans show­cased Schlafly as their spokesper­son for their strident and ultra­conservative family values posi­tion.

This was unadulterated hypocri­sy, considering that in the very moment of her eloquent highmind­edness, she was secretly well aware of the deviance from tradi­tional family values that had ev­olved out of her own personal family structure.

While I was reading this expose, I got a call from my daughter at college. She was preparing a speech for her Christian Ethics course, in which she had received a midterm warning. Ironically, her subject was Christianity and homosexuality, and she was at a loss for an approach.